Regardless of your lifestyle, maintaining adequate levels of vitamins and minerals is essential to your well-being.

Stop by New Leaf for a quick injection when you’re on the go, or stick around for an IV to hydrate and give your body an extra boost. Browse our extensive list of vitamin injections and customizable iv drips below to find the best option for you.


Any 5 injections or IVs - 20% off

Any 10 injections or IVs - 30% off



  • Immunity Boost IV

  • Immunity Blend

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

  • B-Complex

  • Mineral Blend

  • NAC

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Ultraburn

  • Zinc Chloride


  • Energy Boost IV

  • Athlete’s Boost IV

  • Feel Fit IV

  • Amino Blend

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • GAC

  • Glycine

  • L-Arginine

  • L-Carnitine

  • Lipo B

  • Lipo C

  • Lipolean

  • Mineral Blend

  • NAD+

  • Taurine

  • Ultraburn


  • Inner Beauty IV

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • Biotin

  • Coenzyme Q10

  • Glutathione

  • Glycine

  • Lipo B

  • Lipo C

  • NAD+

  • Vitamin C


  • Hangover Hero IV

  • Myers Cocktail IV

  • Alleviate IV

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

  • B-12

  • B-Complex

  • BCAA

  • Biotin

  • Vitamin D

  • Glycine

  • Lysine

  • Magnesium Chloride

  • NAC

  • NAD+

  • Taurine

  • (Calcium, Magnesium, B- Complex , B12)

    A blend that targets pain, providing recovery and relief while aiding in healing of wounds. Useful for improving bone health, and optimizes muscle, cognitive and nerve function. Can help with overall maintenance and wellness. This IV is recommended for patients suffering from PMS symptoms, chronic pain or discomfort, and lower back pain.


  • (Vitamin C, B-Complex, Amino Blend: Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, Carnitine, Mineral Blend: Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Selenium)

    Provides relief for fatigued bodies by restoring hydration and boosting energy. Flushes out lactic acid which can cause pain. Also aids in bone and heart health. Helps with exercise performance, cardiovascular conditions, and surgery recovery time.


  • (B Complex & Amino Blend: Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, Carnitine, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Selenium)

    This IV improves metabolism, regulates appetite, and can reduce water retention. It also helps improve mood and memory. Beneficial for weight loss and patients who are feeling fatigued, have low energy, and suffering from memory loss, but can also be used for pain management, lower back pain, and reducing inflammation.


  • Feel Fit combines a blend of amino acids with a powerful antioxidant. It turns fat into energy, enhances performance, and aids in muscle recovery. It also helps the immune system and sexual health. Beneficial for exercise performance, erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, detox and liver cleansing.


  • (Vitamin C, B-Complex, Mineral Blend:Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Selenium)

    This blend reduces, revitalizes and rebalances the body’s fluids, mediating hangover symptoms, helping boost mood, immunity, and energy levels. It can also be used for patients suffering from dehydration. Beneficial for patients with a low immune system, low energy, hangovers, brain fog, lackluster hair, skin, and nails.



Illnesses, injuries and imperfect diets are just a few reasons why we may be deficient in essential vitamins & nutrients. If you’re feeling foggy, lethargic, or unwell we offer a variety of IV combinations to help vitality, regain energy, boost immunity and more. Hydrate and replenish those missing essentials to help your body recover and function at its peak. 

 Explore our menu to find out more and book an appointment today.

  • (Vitamin C, B-Complex, Zinc)

    A cough and cold buster, this IV restores hydration and strengthens immunity. It is also helpful to provide energy and improve concentration. Beneficial for fighting common coughs, colds, and infections, before travel, helping with skin issues, and detoxing the liver.


  • (Vitamin C, B-Complex, Biotin)

    A blend of vitamins and minerals to nourish, replenish, and rehydrates skin, hair, and nails. Boosts collagen, fights free radicals. Encourages hair growth and reduces the thinning of hair and split ends, strengthens nails. Fights skin, acne, and tired skin from the inside out. Beneficial for patients suffering from skin, hair, and nail issues. Helps skin become soft and supple, improves skin elasticity. Can also help regulate mood and sleep.


  • (Magnesium, B-Complex, B12 Hydroxo, Calcium Gluc, Vitamin C)

    A powerful combination of vitamins and nutrients created by Dr. John Myers. Provides relief for many chronic medical symptoms. Helps restore your body for overall health and wellness. Beneficial for patients suffering from chronic fatigue, upper respiratory infections, asthma, migraines, headaches, stress, insomnia, depression, and muscle spasms.


  • Now available in IV!

    Fully replenish yourself this versatile coenzyme and see the astonishing effects as it repairs, rejuvenates, and helps your body’s processes in a variety of ways.


  • Start with just saline to replenish the loss of fluids in your body. This can provide immediate hydration for hangovers, headaches, common colds, and food poisoning. Add vitamins to this to make your own cocktail!



Try as we may, we don’t always ingest or produce everything we need to look and feel our best. Thankfully, our clinic provides a wide variety of high-quality supplements which absorb quickly and efficiently through a simple injection.

Explore our full menu and learn about all the benefits you can feel- in only a few minutes!

An energy and immune booster important for metabolism which can decrease fatigue. It is important for nervous system function and helps with depression and mood stability. It also promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails. We also offer the natural, activated form Methyl B-12, which can be used to treat nerve pain from certain diseases.



(Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6.)

Helps with immunity and improves the function of the nervous system. Supports skin health and can aid weight loss by boosting energy and metabolism. Beneficial for patients with anemia, fatigue, respiratory issues & asthma, brain fog, depression, eczema, and hair loss.


B Complex

CoQ10 can neutralize free radicals, mitigate heart related conditions, reduce oxidative damage and prevent insulin resistance. It also helps control blood sugar & improve energy levels, with fertility & sexual health, has anti-aging properties, and can reduce the severity of headaches.


Coenzyme Q10


This amino acid aids in digestion and metabolism, balancing fluids, salts and minerals. It can curb appetite and feelings of hunger while improving energy production. Known to raise testosterone production in males, it also helps calm the nervous system and alleviate stress and anxiety. It is useful in supporting the immune and nervous systems as well as antioxidant function.


C is an antioxidant and essential building block in your body. Beneficial for patients with low immune systems, colds, asthma, wrinkles, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. Can also be used to strengthen and regenerate tissues after injury or surgery, helps shield against pain & hypersensitivity.


Vitamin C


This amino acid is important for the production of creatine, glutathione, and collagen. It improves nerve signal transmission and brain function, helps improve sleep and stimulates serotonin “the feel-good hormone”. Improving liver function, it helps with detoxification of the body and can protect against alcohol damage.



Popular supplement used to enhance performance. Helps the relaxation of smooth muscle tissues. Can also increase nitric oxide levels, reduce muscle fatigue, and enhance muscle growth from workouts. Supports the immune system and sexual health. Beneficial for exercise performance, erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, cardiovascular conditions, and surgery recovery time.


NAC accelerates production of the antioxidant glutathione, reduces inflammation, and helps detoxify the liver and kidneys. It supports immunity and can treat respiratory conditions, clearing mucus and aiding lung tissue and air passages. It also is used to regulate glutamate levels in the brain, which can help with substance abuse, cravings, and other mental health conditions. By reducing oxidative stress, it may help with fertility as well.

Only available as IV push or add-on


This amino acid is used to form carnitine, and helps produce enzymes, antibodies, and hormones. It is important for muscle and hair growth as well as the absorption of calcium to support bone health and prevent it from accumulating in blood vessels. It also helps transportation of fats across cells, moderating blood pressure, anxiety reduction and even with cold sores.




(Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine)

A blend used to stimulate the nervous system and maintain mental vigor, while also encouraging emotional calmness and suppressing cravings. It increases growth hormones, good for boosting energy and building muscle.


A fat burner that can increase energy level and production, it is ideal for athletes, enhancing the ability to physically perform faster and longer with more ease. It can also help decrease pain, muscle damage and metabolic stress from intense workouts. It helps with oily skin by decreasing oil production in the pores. Especially beneficial for strength training vegetarians, and dieters.



Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide has been called the “anti aging molecule” for its important role in promoting health and prolonging life span. Some benefits include boosting brain function, calming the nervous system, improving energy, regulating metabolism, reducing inflammation, and repairing damaged DNA. For optimal results, 2 injections per week for 4 weeks is recommended. Learn More




(Glutamine, Arginine, Carnitine)

This is a blend of supplements that directly help the body metabolize fat and create muscle, as well as naturally releasing growth hormones. It can be used to help weight loss, performance, endurance, and sexual ability. 



(MIC, B12, B-Complex, and L-Carnitine)

Beneficial for patients with slow metabolism or looking to lose weight, this combo controls appetite and manages stress levels. All the benefits of Lipo B plus the advantage of Carnitine to aid the body burn fats as fuel. Adding B-Complex gives even more metabolic benefits, as well as supporting immunity, mental health and even healthy skin.


This important essential mineral supports many systems in the body and is especially beneficial for immune health. It has antioxidant properties and helps with skin health, growth and healing and even DNA synthesis.



Mineral Blend

(Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Zinc)

This blend works together to perform a wide variety of essential functions. These minerals are used for nutrient absorption and metabolism, and to build proteins, blood cells, bones, hormones, and nearly every type of tissue. The blend is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and supports immune and muscle health, regulates thyroid, neurotransmitters, blood sugar, and more.



(MIC, Carnitine, B Complex, B12, Chromium)

This advanced compound of aminos and vitamins is ideal for weight loss, energy production, and vitality in general. It can aid in normalizing blood sugar, boosting immunity, preventing acne, breaking down fats, and building muscle.


Amino Blend

(Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine, Citrulline)

This blend helps metabolize fatty acids into energy and many other important cellular processes. Good for performance recovery, healing wounds, stress management, and blood pressure. It grows and maintains bones, connective tissue, muscles and collagen as well as supporting liver function.


B Complex w/ B12

(Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 & B12)

A powerful conconction of B vitamins with all the benefits of the B-complex and B12 to ensure your body is pumped up!


Lipo B

(MIC and B12)

This combo helps increase energy levels and boost metabolism. Methionine helps break down sugars and carbs, Inositol converts food into energy, and Choline cuts muscle recovery time and converts fats into energy. B12 promotes energy production, regulates the nervous system helping stabilize mood, and supports the immune system. It even helps with healthy hair, skin and nails.


Magnesium Chloride

This mineral is in every cell of your body and is used in hundreds of reactions for energy production, neurotransmitter regulation, gene repair and creation, muscle movement, and the formation of proteins. It is anti-inflammatory, aids exercise performance and recovery and regulation of blood pressure and sugar. It can also alleviate migraines, depression, anxiety, pms symptoms and sleep problems.

Only available as IV push or add-on

Alpha Lipoic Acid

An antioxidant that helps regulate and convert blood sugar into energy. It is beneficial for patients with low immune systems, asthma, diabetes, and allergies, reducing inflammation, decreasing insulin resistance, oxidative stress, memory loss, and skin aging from sun damage. ALA can also assist in weight loss, and may have a protective effect on neurons.


Folic Acid

A B vitamin that helps make new cells, and can prevent or manage conditions such as iron deficiency, liver disease and anemia. It is important for pregnant women to prevent birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine. It also is useful for protection against high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke, and may be useful for those suffering from depression, memory loss, or vitiligo.


Beneficial for patients with digestive problems, low energy, and fatigue. Can be used to promote healthier hair, skin, and nails. It will aid in thyroid health and support the nervous system (mood changes). Biotin is also a crucial nutrient during pregnancy, as it’s important for embryonic growth.



The “Mother of all Antioxidants”, helping remove free radicals, heavy metals and other toxins. It can relieve inflammation and has anti-aging benefits as well as reducing acne. It also helps overall health by slowing down and repairing damage to our bodies. Beneficial for patients suffering from infections, menopause, and liver damage.



Lipo C

(Inositol, Choline, Carnitine, B Complex, B12, Leucine, Vitamin C)

This powerful combination of supplements supports a wide variety of functions: detoxifying, metabolizing fats, reducing cravings, mental acuity, cell growth and repair, anxiety reduction, insulin regulation, fighting free radicals, and even immune defense. 


Beneficial for patients with low immune systems, reduces asthma inflammation, and helps with reducing allergies. Can also assist in weight loss, improving bone health, and improving mental health.


Vitamin D